Dental Scaling in Colleyville

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Dental scaling is routinely performed to assist with gum disease and excessive plaque buildup. While a standard cleaning will address the surface of the tooth, scaling goes much deeper.

Gum Disease in Colleyville, TX

What is scaling?

Scaling is a common dental procedure for patients with gum disease. This type of dental cleaning reaches below the gumline to remove plaque buildup. The process is often referred to as a deep cleaning. This treatment goes beyond the general cleaning that you receive with your regular checkup and annual visit.

Peridontal Disease Colleyville Tx

Is Dental Scaling Necessary?

Everyone has some type of plaque buildup. The bacteria, saliva and proteins in your mouth form a thin layer that covers your teeth at almost all times. When you eat, minuscule particles, acids, and sugars from the food adhere to this film, creating a buildup on the teeth recognized as plaque. The bacteria that lives in this plaque can cause gum disease and tooth decay. Brushing, flossing, and consistent dental cleanings will help eliminate the plaque and avert a more serious problem. With healthy gums, the tissue will fit firmly around the tooth and keep plaque from adhering. However, if gum disease begins to form, this tissue will loosen. Healthy gums attach to the tooth just 1 to 3 millimeters underneath the gumline. When gum disease is present, you’ll start to grow deeper pockets. These pockets can fill with plaque, worsening your complications and causing indicators like bad breath. If you have pockets of 4 millimeters or more, we will probably recommend dental scaling to eliminate the plaque underneath the gumline and aid the treatment of gum disease.

Dental Scaling Colleyville Tx

What to Expect Afterward Scaling?

Your may feel sore around your gums and more sensitive after your dental scaling and root planing. There may be additional swelling or bleeding for a few days after the procedure. For a few patients, we may suggest a desensitizing toothpaste to help ease the discomfort they possibly will experience. We recommend that our patients use good brushing and flossing measures after their scaling procedure to stop plaque from forming again in the same areas.